Blisters on toes

Few of things I'd recommend.

  1. ⁠Pay very close attention to your instructors feet/toes when he/she is demonstrating a technique. The particular application of your feet can help both with effectiveness and safety for your toes.

  2. ⁠When blisters break, Neosporin or similar, band-aid, then tape on top of that. When taping, don't wrap around multiple times. Rip off multiple strips of tape and layer them. Create support structures with tape if you like. For example, a layer or two around the toe, then a v shape (or like those memorial ribbons) wrap around the toe and down along the top and bottom of the foot, a couple of those, then a couple of layers around the foot to anchor the v strips from earlier.

  3. ⁠Get a anti-fungal foot spray and follow the therapy instructions (iirc it's at least a couple of weeks of daily or 2x day application). Don't forget your flip-flops or shoes you use around the mats.

  4. ⁠Use a nice foot lotion at least on occasion to keep the skin supple if you tend to get dry skin.

  5. ⁠Once it's well healed and if you don't have a skin problem, tip 1 will most likely help cure your problem in the future.