Depression and anxiety

I've dealt with what could probably be called mild undiagnosed depression and anxiety at times. BJJ is about the best thing I've found to fight it, along with the support of my loving wife and family. I never skip a class because I'm feeling depressed or anxious. Or even a tournament, if I've had one on set my calendar, despite crushingly wanting not to go. The main reason being that I've almost always felt MUCH better after. The only exceptions were when I only felt a bit better or at least neutral but more tired in a good way. Those were most likely times where my sleep and or caffeine intake were way out of wack. On my off days I try to also get in at least a little exercise. Something is always better than nothing.

Frame your mind around some activity, any activity, being a success, especially compared to none. Even if it's just a 5-10min neighborhood walk. Maybe when you get back, you feel you might as well swing a kettlebell a few times. Maybe then you can do a few shrimps and bridges. Maybe now you can do some more or not. Now you are all sweaty. You might as well do some stretches, you know your body at least will feel better... And so it goes, chip chip away, little by little, it all adds up.

From what I've heard and read from medical literature, physical activity, even just 20min a day, can work wonders on these phyc issues and help with longevity and cognitive function, even better than drugs for many people. And it only has positive side effects (as long as you remember to warm up and tap early 😉