YouTube Channel Suggestions

Here are some of the YouTube channels I've found most useful for my BJJ training and general body maintenance. There are five categories:

Each category is roughly ordered according to my preference or how often I use them as a source (I skipped some that I'm subscribed to because on review they seemed too inactive or not up to scratch compared to the others). As a bonus, here is also my unordered playlist of BJJ techniques:

BJJ Tech
My collection of BJJ techniques that I've liked for one reason or another.

BJJ Technique

Stephan Kesting
Stephan Kesting has been doing BJJ tutorials for over a decade and this is his excellent free resource, sharing his knowledge and that of many world class BJJ experts.

Excellent channels on all things BJJ from Chewy (Nick), BJJ black belt under Shawn Hammonds and head coach in Louisville, KY. Good technique, good discussions and QA on just about anything that has anything to do with BJJ.

Chad The Beast Hardy
Chad is a BJJ black belt from Chewy (Nick) of Chewjitsu and does great short instructionals with a bit of silly humor too.

Teach Me Grappling Coach Brian
One of the best resources for grappling instructions available, particularly when it comes to in-depth instructions on wrestling, BJJ, and their intersection. Tends to run a bit long but always worth it.

Roy is one of Rob Biernackis top students and has great instructionals using Rob's excellent structured system of BJJ concepts for clear explanation.

The Grappling Academy
Coach Tom is a clear teacher of BJJ, good and consistent production. Primarily mini instructionals but also addresses various questions relating to the sport and the art.

Tristar Gym
Currently kinda focused on coach Firash Zahabi's (famous MMA coach, including GSP and many other world famous fighters) podcast, but also includes excellent in-depth instructionals and breakdowns.

Invisible Jiu-Jitsu
Clear, mostly short, and well made BJJ instructionals.

Island Top Team
Rob Biernacki is a great, methodical, BJJ coach who has done multiple instructionals with Stephan Kesting. He now also has payed subscription course on his website, but lots of tips in the payed instructionals appear also on this channel though not as refined or clearly produced.

Excellent old school BJJ, fundamentals, philosophy and self defense from real experience.

Kurt Osiander Move of the week
Enough said, "go f*ckn train!"

Knight Jiu-Jitsu
Eli Knight, Jiu-Jitsu black belt, gives lots of good and clear technique instructions.

Relson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy
Excellent instructionals and advice on BJJ, including a playlist on kids instructionals.

Cary Kolat
Excellent wrestling technique/instructionals by Cary Kolat, an olympic level wrestler.

Channel by the gear brand Hayabusa but they have Neil Melanson, an excellent grappling coach, do instructionals on great techniques.

Redline Jiu-Jitsu
Good instructionals on BJJ and selfdefense from a Gracie JJ school.

Josh Robinson
Josh Robinson is a BJJ no-gi/MMA coach and has some good technique instructions.

Kit Dale
Kit Dale famous BJJ competitor, champion, coach shares some of his techniques and takes on BJJ.

Keenan Cornelius
Keenan Cornelius famous BJJ competitor and champion shares some of this techniques and experience (and humor).

Bernardo Faria
Multiple world champion Bernardo Faria and guests explain lots of techniques (mostly/exclusively in the Gi).

BJJ Strength
Training tips for BJJ, the website/blog is arguably better than the YouTube channel, it's at

Roy Marsh Jiu-Jitsu
Mostly instructionals from Roy Marsh, a Black Belt under Royce Gracie.

MMA Leech
Lots of pretty good BJJ instructionals.

Zombie Proof BJJ
Various BJJ instructionals.

BJJ Fanatic
Bunch of technique instructions from various visiting instructors, some very high level.

BJJ Daily
Usually short technique tips, doesn't seem active anymore.

BJJ Vault
BJJ technique tips/instructions (seems inactive now).

BJJ technique tips/instructions

Beyond Grappling
Judo instructionals.

Physical Therapy

Athlean X
Physical therapist, trainer, and body-builder Jeff Cavalear provides great training, recovery, and physical rehab tips.

Physical Therapy Videos
Bob and Brad have been physical therapists for decades and share some of their excellent tips and advice for people of all ages, with lots of "dad-jokes" and old style humor.


Bad Yogi
Erin Motz is a nice down-to-earth, no bullsh*t yoga instructor. Lots of short beginner and some intermediate yoga instructions along with vlog and some other AMA type stuff. Includes "x day" challenges.

Do Yoga With Me
Many different yoga instructors (I particularly like many of Fiji's lessons) teach yoga at all levels from beginner to advanced. Includes "x day" challenges.

Fightmaster Yoga
Fightmaster teaches many kinds of yoga for beginners up to advanced, many different lessons to choose from.

Yoga with Adrian
Nice selection of all sorts of yoga, mostly beginner or intermediate, with pleasant instructor Adrian.

Yoga for BJJ
Name says it.

Boho Beautiful
Yoga instructors Julia and Mark do various yoga things including advanced routines.


Fitness FAQs
Excellent channel on body weight exercises from beginner to extremely advanced, along with some physical therapy exercises (the instructor, Daniel, is a trainer and physical therapist in Australia).

Calisthenic Movement
Excellent instructions by two guys in Europe (Speak in English) on all sorts of beginner to very advanced body weight and gymnastic exercises.

Self Defense

Self Defense Tutorials
Stephan Kesting's channel on self defense, look no further for the best.

Fight Tips
Nice source on loads of things MMA, BJJ, Muay Thai, and self-defense.